Feature(may vary by option.)

●#3 in Mens Medical Scrub Pants

[milly pink]

[blue stake]


[green |  (sage green)]


[silver (gunmetallic)]



Product Description

Product Description
Stretch fabric wicks sweat It combines the durability of polyester with the softness of cotton. It has a unique texture that looks like washed. Enjoy the color of a dungaree that changes the more you wear it, the more you wash it. Dickies logo on cargo pocket

Tough wear that has been supporting workers in the United States of Freedom.
Overwhelmingly supported in the U.S. "Dickies". Fits perfectly to Japanese body system, supporting light site work.

Designed to fit Japanese body types.
The scrubs from the USA have been renewed to fit the petite Japanese figures. Just the right size scrubs help you work comfortably in the field.

Highly durable enough to withstand harsh conditions
The material is tough and durable enough to withstand harsh work sites and repeated washings.

▼ Pursuit of rough comfort and ease of movement.
Stretch fabric wicks away moisture and moves with you For comfortable movement even in places where you sweat is hard. It has a unique texture that looks like a washed garment.

Cargo pocket with Dickies logo.
Clip-on Timer Pocket: Comes with a separate pocket that is suitable for holding multiple timers, etc.

Pulper Antistatic Totoro 50% Cotton 50% Polyester

Side pockets (small pockets), rear right patch pocket, above knee left and right pockets, waist drawstring

Brand Description

Brand Story

Dickies(ディッキーズ)は1922年創業のアメリカ合衆国テキサス州で生まれたワークウエアブランド。 フォーク社は、創業から続く徹底した機能性へのこだわりを持つ「Dickies(ディッキーズ)」と提携を開始しました。 ドクターコート·スクラブ·パンツを中心にアイテムを展開。 日本人の体型にフィットするようにフォーク社がリデザイン、医療現場で働く人をサポートいたします。 特に過酷な使用条件にも耐えられる様に生地開発をし、 運動性·通気性·堅牢度(繰り返される洗濯にも耐えられるよう)高い耐久性を目指しました。 またラフな着こなし、洗いざらしのような独特の風合いと着心地の良さも魅力です。 吸湿速乾性があり、動きやすいストレッチ素材の生地を採用。 汗をかくほどハードな医療現場でも快適に動けるウエアに仕上げました。