
●Product Name: Sanger Tree Sap Wonders Sheet Integrated
●Set of 3 Please note that if the manufacturer changes to the latest package, you may receive the new package before placing your order


Ingredients: Natural tree sap extract (wood vinegar sap + herbs). How to use: Apply to the soles of your feet and other parts that you need to use. You can use it without feeling discomfort. If it becomes hard, please replace it with a new sheet. ·There may be individual differences after use, but in the event that it gets in contact with a wet towel or rinse with warm water. [Caution] Do not use on the following parts: If any abnormalities occur, such as eczema, rash, wounds, around the eyes, mucous membranes, etc., please stop immediately. Please do not squeeze the inner bag and remove the powder. After removing from the outer bag, it will absorb moisture from the outside air, so please use it immediately. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid high temperatures and humidity, even when storing in a box.