Feature(may vary by option.)

●#36 in Mens Cross-Body Sling Bags



Product Description

This Mystery Lunch bag is popular with its simple design and high functionality.
The hip monkey series can also be used as a waist bag.
The entire pocket can be compressed with the left and right straps so you can control the weight and keep it close to your body.
Designed for a variety of applications, the main part is made of 500 denier Cordura nylon material to maintain strength.
Featuring a wide opening feature, this simple yet very easy to use construction has a padded back for a great fit.
This item can be used as a daily use or as a secondary bag for travel, and makes a great gift for someone special.
As this is a parallel import product, the country of manufactures may differ from the displayed product. Specifications may change depending on the time of shipment.

Brand Story

MYSTERY RANCH(ミステリーランチ)は、米軍特殊部隊にも採用され、究極のバックパックとして名高いブランド。過酷な状況下でパックをハードに使い込むユーザーに対し、抜群に心地よく並はずれた耐久性を持つパックを提供するというシンプルな理想を具現化しミリタリー·森林消防隊·山岳ガイド·ハンター·救急医療隊などから絶大な支持を得ています。