Feature(may vary by option.)

●Product Name: Front Bag Bracket
●Material: Aluminum alloy
●Maximum load: 17.6 lbs (8
●Weight: Carrying bag approx. 2.5 oz (72.5 g), Bag bracket approx. 4.1 oz (110 g)






Brand: Litepro Product Name: Front Bag Bracket, Material: Aluminum Alloy, Weight: Carrying Bag Approx. 2.5 oz (72.5 g), Bag Bracket: Approx. 4.3 oz (110 g), Maximum Load: 17.6 lbs (8 kg), Color: Black, Red, Silver, Gold, Colorful, For Use with Inner Diameter of 2.0 inches (50 mm) such as Folding Bicycles, Dahon KA2018, Dahon KA2018, and other models.