Feature(may vary by option.)

●This is an original collar made and designed by a collar artist. Designed with a cats eye line with emphasis on lightweight, soft, safe, and stylish. If you do not need a bell, please contact us "wish without a bell"
●Comes with a safety buckle and pull off the buckle for safety You can also set it to fall off at a lower 4.4 lbs (2 kg)
●Size: S(for kitten and ferret): 13cm-20cm
●Size: M(for cat): 17cm-28cm
●Soft cloth strap The texture is completely different from the product on the market



This is an original collar made and designed by a collar artist. Designed with a cats eye line with emphasis on lightweight, soft, safe, and stylish. If you do not need a bell, please contact us "wish without a bell".