Feature(may vary by option.)

●#812 in Mens Wasou Accessories





The monogram design of this fan does not go with any style, so it is recommended for personal use or as a gift.

Brand Introduction
The History of LANVIN is a concept. Over time, Lamban, which has spreading the area of elegance while adding new spirits to the market.
It is said to be a great couture brand that has built todays "fashion" which began in the 20th century, a time of people obsessed as "individuals" as their endless expression as well as a new century.
In 1889, this small hat was opened at 22 of the Belle Epoch in Paris, in 1889. The brilliant story of Lamban, starts here. Jeanne Lamban is full of passion and inspiration for beauty. Her charm and abundance of affection were all harmonized by both creative work and gentle as a mother. Its overwhelming talent stimulates people with an infinite expansion, from simple and sophisticated hats, to childrens clothing created with heart, womens clothing, gentlemen clothing, and even from decoration to incense of space.
In 1926, Jeanne was awarded the Region de Neur Cross Medal, but this was a revolutionary event for the woman at the time.
The elegant style that speaks about you is not just what you wear, but also something to go through every occasion. Today, the awareness of fashion is the step of cultivation to age aromatic beauty sake. This is the Lamban pride and the power to create new suggestions.