Feature(may vary by option.)

●Product Size: Approx. 6.6 x 6.6 inches (16.8 x 16.8 cm)
●Product weight: 0.33kg
●Material: Porcelain

[03. White student]

[04. Shin Snow]

[01. kiln modification]

[02. Rust crystal]

[05. Bizen style]


Country of Manufacture: Japan.
Mino Ware is a potato produced in the Tokyo region of Gifu Prefecture, Tajimi City, Toki City, Kago City, and Toki County. It is one of the largest pottery production centers in Japan, and it accounts for about half the production of Japanese ceramics.
Depending on how the glaze is burned and the flame during firing, the same glaze may cause uneven surface color.
Recommended for serving simmered or Japanese dishes.