Feature(may vary by option.)

●#45 in Cell Phone Charms

[Long size (for iFace) long arm silver]

[Long size (for iFace) Long Arm Gunmetal]

[Long size (for iFace) long arm mat black]


The strapper is a stainless steel attachment for attaching a strap to your smartphone. There is no strap hole in the smartphone or smartphone case. Even at that time, you can easily attach the strap hole to your smartphone by simply attaching the "strapper" to the smartphone case. ★ Available in a variety of media, including TV, newspapers, magazines, etc. Mono Magazine 2019 NO.830 "Mono Insert" Corner Introduction / Machikado Information Room 2019.07.10 NHK Hayawayoshi Japanese Machikado Information Room 2019.08.14 NHK Homayoshi Japanese "Machikado Information Room" Introduction / Daytime MJ 2019.08.19 Nikkei MJ "New Product" Corner/ Patent Pending, Registered Design, Registered Trademark, Strapper is a registered trademark of Honey Creation.