Feature(may vary by option.)

●Safe Quality Made in Japan (Compatible with Mail-bin Sizes) Nekopos, Click Post, Kuroneko Yuu Packet, Non-shaped, Others
●Made in Japan
●Tapeless for easy assembly, one-touch opening for easy removal and disposal
●[Size] External Dimensions (L x W x H): 12.0 x 88.8 x 0.9 inches (308 x 224 x 24 x 24 mm) (A4 size compatible) x 3 side dimensions: 22.0 inches (56 cm); Material: Durable E-flute (0.06 inches (1.5 mm)); Color: Craft color (Brown)
●*There may be cases where the size may be bigger depending on the inflation of the package. There may also be cases where the regulatory size is changed. Please check the regulations size and weight of each company before purchasing

[25 sheets]


This multi-case is made in Japan with peace of mind. Nekopos Click Post Yu-Packet, Non-standard A4 compatible with various companies, so you can choose the shipping method and shipping shipping service every time with this case. *There may be cases where the size may be bigger depending on the inflation of the package. There may also be cases where the regulatory size is changed. Please check the regulations size and weight of each company before purchasing.