Feature(may vary by option.)


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Notes for shruffs buyers prior to use. Please be sure to dry the sleeping bag in a well-ventilated place or use a futon dryer to remove moisture completely. The feathers are very weak to moisture, and if there is still a little water, it will not produce an odor or inflate at all, so you can dry it completely in advance and put it in a storage bag. If you bring it to the campsite, you can use it comfortably, even without drying it at the site. (1) Common cases: How to deal with feathers When new, the feathers are infused by a machine and then folded into a storage bag, so the feathers may be split on one side or on the back. Remove moisture so you can see that the feathers will expand and move inside, lift the shrug tip and shake it gently, and the feathers will spin all the way around and avoid any shifting. (2) Common cases: down odor or bulging There may be cases where the feathers smell and the way they are fluffed due to moisture during the manufacturing period and storage conditions, but DX (760FP) feathers used in Nanga online products. The feathers are 100% the same as the feathers are washed, and infused methods are 100% the same. (1) Repeat the instructions on each one will be the same. It also reduces down odors. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we hope you can understand the taste of natural items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warm Tips and Notes! There are many or less feathery odors, so if you are sensitive to smell, it is better to refrain from purchasing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------