Feature(may vary by option.)

●Goods: No. 6
●Color #: 8 Dazzling Gold
●Hook: Aero Setouchi Akaa
●Quantity: 1
●Product form: Tenya
●The head shape is less likely to be resisted for a smooth fall effect
●It can effectively show off the bread and give you the opportunity of bite

[3. Midokin Holo No. 25]

[4. Kamura Purple No. 20]

[2. Olekin Holo No. 10]

[7. Kamura Zebra Red Pink Size 12]

[1. Akakin Holo No. 10]

[5. Shiny Pink No. 20]

[6. Blue Grochart Size 12]

[8. Dazzling Gold No. 10]


The head shape is less likely to be resisted for a smooth fall effect. It can effectively show off the bread and give you the opportunity of bite. It is also play-type, so it reduces the burden caused by oscillating after hook up.