Feature(may vary by option.)

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The length of the cane, with one touch all floor and adjustable – without any worry about run out of batteries, etc., The Electric is not a tip, grip rubber handle grip at the top, shaft and top and bottom elastic and size adjustment. Same Car may be useful, and then securely in place, so you can raise your stairs down and away your grip. A gift for his walking stick has a length of worry free for parents, etc. Makes a great gift. Grip is made from wood, Wide 13 cm (7.5 cm inside). Less Length: 60 ~ 93 cm (adjustable in length is unauthorized floor) compatible; General height – 180 cm). Both rods are made of aluminum (Navy, Red, Brown: The Matte (no gloss) is a calming texture and has a charger not included), Diameter top 19 mm, bottom 16 mm. Weighs ozs. Straps frfrub rubber tip. Made in Japan