Feature(may vary by option.)

●Especially recommended for beginners and those with stiff body
●You can adjust the length to change resistance or use it as a support for yoga poses
●Not only does it support proper poses, but it is also a necessary tool for practicing challenging poses
●Instead of holding a pose in an excessive posture, you can get rid of unnecessary tension so you can stretch your muscles comfortably
●The length of 96.6 inches (244 cm) is most convenient to use in both standing and sitting positions
●Comes with a storage band, so it does not take up much space for storage
●Size: Length: 96.6 inches (244 cm), Width: 1.5 inches (3.8 cm)



[orange |  (coral)]


Especially recommended for beginners and those with stiff body.
You can adjust the length to change resistance or use it as a support for yoga poses.

The length is 96.6 inches (244 cm) which is considered the easiest to use.
Comes with a storage band so you can use it for stress free!