Feature(may vary by option.)

●Material: 40% Wool, 30% Acrylic, 30% Nylon
●Needle (needle): No. 3 - 4
●Needle (crochet): No. 3/0
●Standard Gauge: (needle) 25 - 26 feet 30 - 31 stages
●Season: All Seasons








Great for knitting small items. Expressive multicolor
This is the perfect hand thread for knitting small items such as socks and gloves.
It is slightly thicker than medium point for easier knitting.
It is also made of nylon to withstand abrasion.
Available in a variety of solid colors and expressive multicolors.
Of course, it can also be used for wear projects.

Item Number: 2146
Specifications: yarn
Tailoring: 0.9 oz (25 g), approximately 32.8 ft
Thickness: Thick
Material: 40% Wool, 30% Acrylic, 30% Nylon
Needles (needle): No. 3 - 4
Needle (crochet): No. 3/0
Standard Gauge: (needle) 25 - 26 feet 30 - 31 stages
Season: All Seasons