Feature(may vary by option.)

●#87 in Patio Umbrellas

[Umbrella Base]




Umbrella carefully? Our vision is to provide umbrellas that will last you a long time. Detailed research results improved structure, crank material, and umbrella tilt on the market. This is a high quality tent using Olefin for the answer to providing you with a long lasting umbrella. Installation Instructions 4 easy steps to assemble. Installs in about 5 minutes. Product Features: Easy to assemble without tools. Stores compactly. This rectangular patio umbrella is perfect for outdoor or car trunk. Rectangular umbrella surface is suitable for placing together or with other items. The angle of the umbrella can be adjusted to make the light blocking more convenient. High quality umbrella fabric to prevent rain, sun and UV rays Iron umbrella frame is lighter than other material, easy to carry and assemble.