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● Measure the flicker value which is one of the indicators of the degree of fatigue. By knowing the degree of fatigue that has a great impact on the rhythm of your body, it is useful as a teaching tool to think about what rhythm of your life. Can also be used for measurement fatigue at school. Flickering Field Illumination: 500 Lux (±10%); Peripheral Viewing Level: 100 Lux (±40%); Variable Range: 20 - 60 Hz (±10%); Flicker Change Method: Automatic, Size: Approx. W 6.2 x D 14.0 x H 5.3 inches (157 x 3555 x 135 mm); Weight: Approx. 800 g); Power Supply: AC Adapter (80 g); System specifications may be specified at the time of delivery date. Please be aware that you cannot specify this product.