Feature(may vary by option.)

●Resin part: Polyethylene
●Junior Size: A12.2 x B22.8 inches (310 x 580 mm); Weight: Approx. 4.9 oz (1,280 g)

[62: Red. In stock]

[NVY stock]

[09: black stock]


(boys and hardwear) Legers protect your child from the ball.
This item comes in child sizes. Lightweight type. ■ Plastic buckle ■ Material: Resin part: Polyethylene, Pad: Polyurethane, EVA ■ Color: 09: Black 14: Navy 62: Red ■Country of Origin: China, Vietnam; Weight: Approx. 4.2 oz (1,280 g); Size: A310 x B570 mm