Feature(may vary by option.)

●Contents: 1 piece
●Length: Approx. 5.9 inches (15 cm)
●Color: White
●Long and soft fiber hackle Popular as Spey Fly hackle
●It will be shipped by Mail-bin delivery





The growing near the tail of the rooster hackle. Ideal for bodyi-hakkuru supei·hurai. Long and soft fiber to ensure that water and 妖siku movement attracting fish on the inside. In normal bodyi-·hakkuru etc. If you use, you can remove the fiber on one side bat from the side wind first. Election of the exclusive dyed feathers and materials (made in the USA) with finely 染me上ge Veniard company, a high quality huraimateriaru. Affairs of years youve route, you cant get the most precious feathers according to manufacturer. We offer. * Product pictures are available in 1 pieces. Exactly same as product is not included. · Because these are natural feathers, color, flavor, shape, patterns, the individual differences of the item. The item can not be selected for you. Worst Fear But please acknowledge beforehand.