
●Adhesive Foam Stickers: Foam Shaped Sticker - Cartoon Wall Sticker, Kids Gift, Kids Bedroom Decor or Any Festival Decoration
●FOAM SHAPED STICKERS: Self-adhesive foam shape is suitable for many occasions and can be applied to any smooth flat dry surface such as furniture, doors, walls, floors, windows, glass etc
●PRESCHOOL STICKERS: Easy to apply to any smooth, flat, dry clear surface such as glass, notebooks, cups, windows and more
●Round, Square, Triangular Stickers: Furniture, Door, Walls, Floors, Windows, Glass,
●GEOMETRIC SHAPED STICKERS: Mini Geometric Shaped Sticker - Decorate your home, office or school with bright colors and nice designs



Jojofuny 1 Geometric Sponge Round Sticker Chalkboard For Kids Sticker Sheet For Kids Geometric Shape Sticker Geometric Self Adhesive Sticker Mini Geometric Shape Sticker



Adhesive Foam Stickers: Foam Shaped Sticker - Cartoon Wall Sticker, Kids Gift, Kids Bedroom Decor or Any Festival Decoration.

FOAM SHAPED STICKERS: Self-adhesive foam shape is suitable for many occasions and can be applied to any smooth flat dry surface such as furniture, doors, walls, floors, windows, glass etc.

Product information