Feature(may vary by option.)

●Made in Japan
●Material: Butyl rubber
●Valve type: Presta valve/32mm
●The color of the product may look different from the actual product depending on your display settings
●Please note that product specifications, logos, and other designs are subject to change due to improvements

[2) English 2-4 [Set] English (Punk Repair Kit Included)]

[1) Presta 34mm 1-3 [Set] Presta 1.3 inches (34 mm) (with air pump)]

[2) English 2-1 [Single Item] English]

[1) Presta 34mm 1-4 [Set] Presta Style 1.3 inches (34 mm) (Includes Punk Repair Kit)]

[2) English 2-3 [Set] English type (with air pump)]

[1) Presta 34mm 1-1 (Single Item) Presta 1.3 inches (34 mm)]


From the Manufacturer


Regular type tube in bag

Regular type tube with a rich lineup that can be used in many sizes.

Please check the valve type when purchasing.

0TW650-21F32-CY/0TH29-F32-C/0TH2640-48TF33-CY/0TW650B30-38TF33-CY/0TH2930-38TF33-CY are manufactured overseas.

The photo is for illustration purposes only, color and shape may differ depending on the model number selected.

Valve Type




English Valve

It is often used in city cycles, and the pump is the most popular type, but it is difficult to adjust the air pressure, and is not suitable for high pressure type used on formal bicycles.

Presta Valve

This valve is commonly used for racing bikes such as road and mountain bikes.

Lightweight and easy to adjust the air pressure, suitable for high pressure use.Requires a dedicated pump ferrule.

Schrader Valve

Same construction as the bulb used on motorcycle

It is durable and does not drain air than English.Requires a dedicated pump ferrule.