Feature(may vary by option.)

●Color: 17 Clear Holo
●Size: 3.5"
●Quantity: 4 pcs

[18 punch orange 3.5 inch]

[13 Yudetoko 3.5 inch]

[16 Midkin 3.5 inch]

[15 Akakin 3.5 inch]

[14 Raw Dako Glow 3.5 inch]

[17 Clear Holo 3.5 inch]


Magbaite/MagboteMBW15 Octopus Foot x 1; Size: 3.5 inches; A worm of fish eaters. Realistic form imitates the movement of your feet swimming for calluses. Compatible with jighead rig & Texas rigging. The SAF material body makes it excellent for catching fish.