Feature(may vary by option.)

●Made in Japan
●Removable without pliers
●Flat-hammered for added strength
●Excellent corrosion resistance and rust resistance
●#3 / 30 pcs, Strength: 46 lb (21 kg)

[#2   &  30 pcs |  Strength: 26 lb (11 kg)]

[#4   &  26 pcs |  Strength: 51 lb (23 kg)]

[#3   &  30 pcs |  Strength: 46 lb (21 kg)]


This split ring is convenient to wear and remove without pliers. Essential split ring for hook replacement and connection You may need tools such as pliers to attach or remove this one-touch split ring with a handle like a handle to hang the eye or ring, so you can attach and remove the split ring without any tools. Flat hammered processing improves strength and durability, making it difficult to open even when opened and closed. It can handle even the most unexpected big objects. Recommended for use with small plugs such as trout, bass, and mevering, to seabass and super light jigging.