Feature(may vary by option.)

●This is a life value original cedar boot keeper made from premium grade red cedar
●Handmade and individually crafted
●By using red cedar for optimal dehumidification and deodorizing effect (may not be effective depending on the condition of the shoe)
●The design is well-built to the heel and uses twin pipes to provide better tension to the shoes
●Each boot keeper is individually bagged and boxed. Contains a dehumidifier (silica gel)



Life Value Red Cedar Shoe Keeper with Excellent Dehumidification, Scent, and Deodorization (Large)

Red Cedar Boot Keeper is the highlight of this item (Excellent Dehumidification Force): Red cedar absorbs more moisture compared to other wood. Theres nothing better than leaving moisture from your feet when you put your shoes on it as it promotes a bad odor. Works great to reduce internal problems caused by moisture Natural materials! Deodorizing power of scented cedar: You can see the moment you take the product out of the box. The scent of soothing trees you feel when you enter the log house or forest... The scent of natural cedar also has deodorizing power. If you just need to keep the shoes in place, they can be made of plastic, but red cedar (wood) can benefit from these benefits. Depending on the conditions of the shoes, there may be no deodorizing power. What is red cedar, a high-quality wood that is very suitable for shoe keepers that have excellent dehumidification, scent and deodorization.

Life Value Red Cedar Shoe Keeper with Select Materials and Design

Special Materials: The inner part of the red cedar is made primarily by cutting out the inside. Therefore, the wood grain is nicely aligned to the cut parts. Please be aware that some products are not suitable for some of the models. The shavings are finished one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one of the years until the assembly is packaged.

Special Design 1. The heel portion combines ease of removal and design. The handle is also made of high-quality metal parts. 2. The opening hole is also designed to fit your fingers easily and easily accessible. 3. The toe of the shoe extends horizontally to accommodate a variety of shoe tips.