Feature(may vary by option.)

●Bubble Mailers to Protect Your Stuff!
●It is waterproof, so you can rest assured that it will be delivered on rainy days
●It also comes with an adhesive tape so you just need to put your items in and seal them. Easy Shipping!
●Cute color variations
●Perfect for Flima app users, such as Merkali, Rakuma and Paifurima

[emerald green]


These small envelopes are perfect for shipping items via Flima apps. It is made of foam so you dont have to worry about packing your items. Bubble air cap protects contents It also comes with an adhesive tape so there is no need to glue it. Plus, it is waterproof so your contents stay dry even when it comes to rainy days. Perfect for shipping CDs, DVDs, books, accessories, cosmetics, etc.