Feature(may vary by option.)

●This is an item for business contractors
●Quantity: 1
●Capacity: 33.8 fl oz
●External dimensions: φ4.3 x 5.0 inches (109 x 126 mm)
●Single scale: 3.4 fl oz (100 ml)

[External dimensions: φ85×110mm]

[External dimensions (mm): φ53×56]

[External dimensions: φ180×216mm]

[External dimensions: φ109×126mm]

[External dimensions: φ158×177mm]


Product Description

Capacity: 3.3 gal (1 L)
External dimensions: φ4.3 x 5.0 inches (109 x 126 mm)
Single scale: 3.4 fl oz (100 ml)
The size is not including the beaker opening.

Legal Disclaimer

This product is for researchers and businesses