Feature(may vary by option.)

●Made by the original opener
●Features: Perfect fit shape to prevent damage to the shower head
●Shape: Perfect design for small hands and easy turning
●Production Method: 3D printer
●Material: Plastic (PLA)

[Handle type for zero]

[For normal     plus handle type]

[Lever type for Zero]

[Handle type for kitty version]


[Made by the Developer]
Perfect fit for uneven numbers and shapes.
Maximum protection from damage to the shower head caused by disassembling
Even small hands can be firmly pressed and rotated.
Designed for optimum shape.

It is important to rotate slowly with "press force 7: turning force 3".

■Product Description
Science Miracle Zero Shower Head Opener Tool to disassemble the Shower Head
Clog removal, interior cleaner.

◆ Water flow weaken?
◆ Increased discharge holes that dont let water flow?
Is your interior dirty with limescale or mold?
Does it contain dirt or rust on the inside?

By disassembling and washing this product,
It can remove stains such as mold, limescale marks, debris, and rust that accumulated inside it.
You can return it to a new condition.

Use for maintenance to keep your shower head comfortable
See product photos for disassembly instructions of the shower head.
After use, wipe away moisture and store in "room temperature", "dry place" or "place away from direct sunlight.

We are not responsible for any damage in the event of use.
Due to the manufacturing method, the following things may occur.
There may be lamination marks or sanding marks due to the modeling.
Filament burns may be mixed in in rare instances.
Thank you for your understanding.

The company name, product name, and service name displayed are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Not compatible with Miracle / Miracle Plus.
Does not fit Hello Kitty version.