Feature(may vary by option.)

●1 International Edition Scan Translation Pen is a dot mark/marker pen that can translate offline accurately. Supports languages such as English, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Cangdong, Traditional Chinese
●2 Learning specific electronics With international scan translation pen, you can accurately translate with just taking a photo. It can also be used as an efficient office tool, and is useful for cultural interaction
●3 International Edition Scan Translation Pen is a handy dot/dot marker pen for learning. Multilingual support,support English, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Cangdong, Traditional Chinese and other languages
●4 Universal Learning Tool International Scanning Translation Pen is a dot marker/dot marker pen that can translate even offline but effective public tool to promote cultural interaction
●5 International Edition Scan Translation Pen Support Multilingual Support Dot/Dot Marker Pen for Learning Precise translation of Japanese, English, German, French, Korean, Cangdong, Traditional Chinese, etc

[2.23   Pink Offline]

[2.23   Blue Offline]

[2.23   Black Offline]


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