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Originating in ancient China, it is widely used in East Asia, such as Japan and Korea. In Ancient Egypt, there are cases that use bronze mirrors. It has a function as a religious and festival tool, and it is widely used in modern days until glass mirrors become traditionally popular in the western world. In the recent days of Japan, copper mirrors are left as a bride tool for daimyo and other wedding ceremonies. Some regions of China still use copper mirrors to represent good luck and to ward off evil in wedding and feng shui.

In Japan, mirrors are subject to shrint beliefs. In Japanese mythology, there are eight mirrors of three types of mythology, sunshine, and sunshine, and other scenarios. There are cases where mirrors are held in the company as a divine. Copper mirror symbolizes power.

From the Sengoku period to Shi and Tang period, the high tin bronze mirror has a very high tin tin content of 23% to 25%. It is silver white, also known as white copper mirror. It contains fairly high lead content and is usually between 1%-10%. Copper content generally ranges from 65% to 76%. The alloy ratio of our white copper mirror lenses is 73% copper, 24% tin, 3% lead. This alloy ratio provides the best casting results and luster.

Xiyang, Xuzhou, Kurezhou (Xiang) and XiZhou was the source of ancient four copper-mirror in China. Chinese copper mirror casting has been deadening from the Song era, but continues to date as ancient art, feng shui products, and folk products.
We are a factory in Xiyang city. Made by experienced mirrors using traditional casting techniques. We offer restoration pieces to museums of white copper mirrors. We also offer copper mirrors for hobbyists of festival and festival ceremonies, Fengshui, folk and historic and ancient arts.

Square shape resonation (original product is stored in Keiyang City Museum in Kangyo City, Kangzu).

This rectangular mirror features a TLV shaped rectangle that is an expression of the celestial territory, and a scene of the beast including the Shikoku (Basalt, Blue Dragon, Suzaku, and White Tiger). Blue dragon reveals the sun and white tiger symbols of the moon Run-clouds at the border.

The formation is the formation that shows the Tian Region of ancient Chinese cosmology. In ancient China, it is believed that the square shape of the earth can hold all the items and the circular canopy is covered like a lid. Therefore, the circumference of the area indicating the ground is surrounded by the heavens and between the sky between the heavens and earth. When placed here, the four gods are painted to stand in the circumference of the heaven indicating that they are in heaven. In addition, the Chinese zodiac (child, Oku, Tigeru, Tsu, Tsuin, Noon, Unfortune, Dog, and Pi) is written on a seal to show the direction and time. and characters that represent the universe structure and support the power of the Emperor who rules the universe.

Inscription "Naohou Saku (Mirror) Saiyoki, Shoujin Dainchi, Drinking Tsuzumi, Hunger Food, Ukijou Tenshitokai, Yeiyama Grass, Kotobukaii Kanshi no Tenbokuo"

The square rectangular shape appears at the end of previous Kan. In Japan, it has arrived in the late half of the Yayu period and also has been made to make imitation mirrors.

Diameter 16cm (approximately 5.3 inch)

Avoid scratching with sharp objects. Keep the mirror surface dry and avoid hand touching the mirror surface (sweat and salt may cause rust). Clean with mild detergent and rinse with clean water if needed.