Feature(may vary by option.)

●Size: Earth bottle: Diameter 5.1 x Height 3.9 inches (13 x 10 cm); Sengcha / Diameter 3.1 x Height 2.4
●Weight: 2.8 oz (1,100 g)
●Material: Porcelain
●Country of Origin: Base / Thailand Top Painting / Japan
●Capacity: Earth bottle: 20.3 fl oz (600 ml), Sencha Tea, 5.1 fl oz (15
●Set Includes: Earth bottle x 1, Sencha x 5 pieces

[Nishhei Anzakura]




[Green Roll Balloon Flower]


Product Description

This tea pot is made using the traditional ancient imari method, giving it a luxurious feel.
Microwave and dishwasher safe

Amazon.com Review
