Feature(may vary by option.)

●Quantity: 6
●Size: S (Compatible worm keeper diameter size: 0.06 - 0.1 inches (1.5 - 3.0 mm)
●How to install: After setting the worm on the hook, grasp the triangular bottom with your hand with a plier or hand and aim at the bottom of the hook from the bottom of the hook to the wormkeepers recess in between the V-shape and insert
●This product is suitable for inserting and attaching to existing worm keepers (uneven textures) equipped with "spinnerbaits, rubber jigs, jigheads, etc."
●Please attach to worm keepers that have a diameter within the appropriate size. If you install it on something that is not suitable size, it will reduce the holding power of the worm



RYUGI/リューギ INSET KEEPER/インセットキーパー■サイズ:S/M■入数:6★スピナーベイト、ラバージグ、ジグヘッド等の既存のワームキーパーに挿し込み、圧倒的なワームの保持力を発揮する。細いワイヤー製のキーパーをワームの中に埋め込む仕様のため、ワームのシルエットが崩れず、その性能を最大限に発揮することができる。