Feature(may vary by option.)

●Size: No. 2.5
●Color: PT/Pink
●Pink tape that works well during pins. The color is especially effective just before and after the fish lure light is on
●Size 2.5: No. 2.5 compatible with large Kenthaka Squid which is commonly used even in large amorigs
●Just touch it and hang it! 0.6 needles round shaped pine needles, compatible with large Kenzaki squid

[F  & Red Yellow]

[Color: K  & White]

[K  & Red Green]

[Color: AT  & red]

[Color: F  & Red White]

[Color: PT  & Pink]

[Color: K   &  Red Blue]

[Color: AT  & Fuchsia]


Size 2.5: No. 2.5 compatible with large Kenthaka Squid which is commonly used even in large amorigs. Body Color: To accommodate any situation, we also have added a body color lineup. Color Lineup: A color lineup that can be used with a low-active squid to highly active squid.