Feature(may vary by option.)

●Ritual Set 袱紗 rugs

[2. Chiba crane (purple) |  orchid (grey)]

[1. Thousand cranes (red)  orchid (purple)]


慶事, are a bit big, and the piece with the sizes are normal. Crepe Gold Seal Over the 慶弔 set 千羽鶴 Orchid Material: Outer material 100% Rayon Size 慶事 soft · Large Dimensions: approximately 14.5 x 22.5 cm piece with small dimensions: about 12 × 20 cm box Care Box Size: Approx. 27 x 22.5 x 2 cm1 千羽鶴 (enzi), Orchid (Purple), 2 x 千羽鶴 (Purple), Orchid (Gray)