Feature(may vary by option.)

●Made in Japan
●Head Circumference: 20.5 - 24.4 inches (52 - 62 cm); Applicable Interior: SX Interior; Applicable Liner: XS liner; Ear string: S ear string; Chaw: OM band; Function: Air vents and protective shielding surface
●For flying and falling objects
●For crash protection


[Peace Con]



[green (moss green)]


[pastel grey]


[red (orange-ish)]


Product Description

Does not get stuffy. No slipping! And it comes with a shield. Lightweight, easy to handle and shield replacement

Legal Disclaimer

Be sure to read the "Care Instructions for Protection Cap" before using the protective cap. For safety reasons, we recommend replacing it within 3 years of start using it even if you are not aware of any abnormalities