Feature(may vary by option.)

●Just stick! Clean and comfortable. Formulated with 10 types of Japanese plant derived ingredients

[Single item]

[Set of 12]


Product Description

This is a Japanese-style relaxed sheet made from Mino, which is derived from 10 kinds of Japanese Chinese plants, including Kitami peppermint oil. The fresh scent of peppermint spreads gently to give you a pleasant experience. Can be cut freely to fit the desired area. For those occasions. Your business or driving companion. After sports and running Relaxing time before taking a bath or sleeping.


【香り成分】天然植物由来成分:北見ハッカ油、ユーカリ、ツキミソウ、クスノキ、ヒノキ、マツ、ヤマモモ、エゴマ、ゴマ、トウゴマ、ミツロウ 【材質】和紙