Feature(may vary by option.)

●Condition: Brand New
●Specifications: Ponytail wig long straight (clip type)
●Length: Approx. 17.7 inches (45 cm); Size: One size
●3 colors x 2 types of mesh: black brown x lemon pink, maroon x lemon pink, light brown x lemon pink, black brown x smog blue, maroon x smog blue, light brown x smoke blue
●The color of the image and the actual product may differ slightly depending on your monitor settings

[light brown  smog blue]

[light brown  lemon pink]


Ponytail WigPonytail Wig

Ponytail Wig for All Seasons

High quality stretch net, breathable and easy to wear. Clip type so you can change your hair in seconds.Just clip it to your natural hair for excellent stability. 2 kinds of mesh containers: Pink Purple & Off White, Smog Blue

Mesh insertMesh insert

Contrast before and after wearContrast before and after wear


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