Feature(may vary by option.)

●Number of Rolls: 240 m (Marking seal is included every 176.4 ft (80 m)
●Size: 2LB (0.35)
●Material: Ester (Specific Gravity: 1.41)
●Color: Clear
●Concept: Strong ester line for trout with straight strength to the extremes and overcome the weakness point of "weakness"

[1.5LB (0.25)]


The best trout line series with unichica technologies.

[Strong Ester ] is a powerful ester line with lightweight lures that are extremely sensitive.
Straight line strength and knot strength are also incredibly strong.
Suitable for aggressively hanging aggressively and with a high density 1.41 and excellent bottom games.

A strong ester line for trout with a large capacity of 65.4 ft (240 m) roll with marking seal every 80 mg)! Finally, the strongest ester line for trout.