Feature(may vary by option.)

●Weatherproof printed magnet

[#8 Hiro Maruyoshi]

[#18 Tomoyuki Watano]

[#6 Yuto Sakamoto]

[#25 Kazushin Okamoto]


Yomiuri Giants cheer supplies Choose your favorite player and stick it to your car, refrigerator, or anywhere you want to support your team.

From the Manufacturer

Ribbon Magnet_Yomiuri Giants Ribbon Magnet_Yomiuri Giants Ribbon Magnet_Yomiuri Giants Ribbon Magnet_Yomiuri Giants
RibbonMagnet Yomiuri Giants Ribbon Magnet #8 Hiro Maruyoshi RibbonMagnet Yomiuri Giants Giant Orange Tamashii RibbonMagnet Yomiuri Giants Giants Giant Visitor RibbonMagnet Yomiuri Giants Giant Home
Color White orange - -
Model - - Visitor Model home model
motif Yomiuri Giants/#8 Hiro Maruyoshi Yomiuri Giants Yomiuri Giants Yomiuri Giants
Size: - H 7.9 x W 4.0 inches (20 H 7.9 x W 4.0 inches (20 H 7.9 x W 4.0 inches (20