Feature(may vary by option.)

●Custom shaped type for the 2022 crown crossover
●It is hydrophilic and anti-fog, so it does not sweat and does not leave stains even after drying
●PET material used for LCD protection film, there is no residue after the film is peeled off
●Silicone adhesive prevents air bubbles and can be reapplied
●Crown Crossover for 2022 Model; Size: Special shape type; *Designed to be slightly smaller than 0.5 inch (2022 mm) for easier installation. Please acknowledge This is a set of 2

[Special shape type]

[Universal Type]


Crown Crossover for door mirrors compatible with 2022 model anti-fog film. It is designed to be a few millimeters smaller for easier application. Please acknowledge This is a set of 2.

★ Hydrophilic, anti-fog, and does not sweat and does not leave stains even after drying.

★ PET material used for LCD protection film, there is no residue after the film is peeled off.

★Silicone adhesive is used to prevent air bubbles.

★ Uses silicone adhesive so it can be reapplied.

·This product is intended to protect against dirt and scratches in general use.
·Please be aware that we will not be responsible for any defects or damages, damage or other damage to the device caused by using this product.
·The scope of the **shall be limited to the amount of the transaction in any event and we do not offer any **back to the past.
·Product specifications may differ from those of the actual product due to changes in specifications due to product improvements.