Feature(may vary by option.)

●The Infini Squeezer uses two squishy wheels to release muscles and loosen muscle stiffness and promote blood circulation
●Apply pressure to the point of stiffness, 20-30 rotations back and forth
●Squeeze down the direction of the logo on the handle and roll it down
●First, it is light and gradually strengthens compression to loosen muscles
●It is effective in promoting blood circulation by pulling pressure towards the heart direction (center of the body). For smaller muscles, such as calves and arms, use the logo on the handle upward, and for larger muscles such as thighs, it is more effective when using the logo facing down
●Season: All Seasons





IMPHY スクウィーザー Squizer ほぐす こり解消 肩 腰 首 上半身 足 足裏 ふくらはぎ 筋

From the Manufacturer

What is IMPHY?

Infini IMPHY Myofascial ReleaseInfini IMPHY Myofascial Release

IMPHY, you can have the best life performance.

IMPHYs stretch gear allows for easy "myofascial release" as part of everyday self-maintenance.

We are an authorized agent of "Back Joy" to raise pelvis and improve sitting posture. What we found through our store sales was "Many people with poor posture have a hard body. Thats why we started teaching customers how to reinvent their awareness and stretch their own way while selling back joy.

Your body will be in the correct position with a few minutes of postural improvement stretch and your satisfaction is our motivation.

We created IMPHY because of the strong desire that our customers would be able to maintain their body with a constant consciousness.