Feature(may vary by option.)

●Materials: Body: Aluminum, Legs: PVC resin,
●Top plate height: 1.2 ft (0.82 m)
●Effective Height: 1.9 ft (0.52 m)
●Load Capacity: 220.5 lbs (100
●Certification:SG Mark

[Top height: 1.71m]

[Top height: 1.41m]

[Top height: 1.99m]

[Top height: 0.82m]


This is a dedicated stepladder that is lightweight and easy to store.
Lightweight design that is not only suitable for professionals, but also women and the elderly.
Thin storage type (thickness 5.0 inches (12.6 cm)).
Easy to open and close with a single touch.
Product specifications and colors may change without prior notice.