Feature(may vary by option.)

●Excellent Elasticity: Made of silicone rubber, so it has excellent elasticity. It can stretch up to 6.7 inches (17 cm), so you can securely bundle your cables
●(Anti-Lost) You can leave it attached to the cable even when you are not bundled, so there is no risk of losing it
●Easy to install: Anyone can easily install it
●Colorful: Unlike functional cable bands, it has excellent design
●Versatile: Not only can you use it for organizing cables but also for bundling pencils, pens, etc



[light purple]


Not only does it hold cables together, but it can also be used to store various things. ]

CLINGMAN neatly organizes all the messy cables.

Colorful design makes your desk look stylish.

Comes in 4 colors: blue, yellow, red and light purple.

Not only for cables, but also great for holding colored pencils, etc.

How to use CLINGMAN

Clingman is made of silicone rubber, so it can stretch up to 6.7 inches (17 cm).

Comes with a lid to attach to the cable.

It can be fixed to the cable itself, so you dont lose it.

Just bundle it together and you dont have to fix it.