Feature(may vary by option.)

●Excellent noisemaker for the recent world cup and Olympic Games
●Available in 4 bright colors. Made of thick durable plastic
●Portable: 26" long, only 14" folded. Fits easily into a backpack, tote or duffel bag
●POWERFUL: Amplified 4.5" wide mouth to produce sound levels up to 120 decibels
●Vuvuzela Virtuoso: The folding design allows you to change the pitch






With its unique sound and incredible noise capacity, Vuvuzela has gained the attention of millions of soccer fans around the world with its unique sound and amazing noise capacity. These instruments can output 120 decibels of sonic power. If you need to hear at your next sporting event, this is the noise maker for you. The air horn is gone, the megaphone battery will dry out, but as long as your lungs breath, this stadium horn will not be silent. Perfect for indoor, outdoor, soccer pitch, football stadium, boating or cross-country event sidelines. You can hear it. This horn is 26 inches long and 4.5 inches wide. The common Vuvuzela is a single piece of plastic, but this improved folding design can be folded to just 14 inches for easy storage as well as changing the normal pitch. Made of sturdy thick plastic and comes in four bright colors. Pair it with your favorite team and get ready to be loud.