Feature(may vary by option.)

●Ready-made FPC/FFC flat cable, terminal thickness: 0.01 inches (0.3 mm), pitch width (P): 0.02 inches (0.5 mm), number of poles: 34 pins, width: approx. 0.7 inches (17.5 mm), AWM/20624/80°C/60V/VW-1
●You can choose from a variety of lengths and electrode surfaces. Electrode Surface: Same Surface, Electrode Surface: Reverse
●Price For: 1
●There are a large number of stock besides the listed products, so please feel free to contact us
●Please note that appearance may vary slightly from lot to lot
●If you are not satisfied with our customers due to low stock quantity, please feel free to contact us


Pitch Width (P): 0.02 inches (0.5 mm), Number of Poles: 34 Pin; Total Length/Electrode Surface: Same Face; Electrode Surface: Reverse Surface: List Price: 1. There are many other than listed products, so please feel free to contact us. If you are not satisfied with our customers due to low stock quantity, please feel free to contact us.