Feature(may vary by option.)

●One-lock system makes opening and closing a breeze and makes framing work quick
●30.7 x 41.3 x 0.7 inches (754 x 105







Size: B1 (28 mm x 40.6 inches (728 mm) x 40.6 inches (1,030 mm); Weight: Approx. 7.6 oz (2,100 g); Front: Transparent sheet (PET); Lightweight and simple aluminum Easy to frame your work with the slide and patented one-lock system allows you to open and close the frame easily. Green Purchasing Law Compliant Product g PN Database Comes with a string for wall mounting only Measure your artwork and determine the frame size. Product images use all sizes. The width of the frame is an image. Please check the shape diagram. Also, please choose the size based on the product name when purchasing. The size indicated in the product name is the backing plate size (paper size inside and inside dimensions).