Feature(may vary by option.)

●Material: 45% Acrylic, 37% Cotton, 18% Nylon
●Beautiful melange color with KONA fabric thread
●Sphere Size: 2.5 oz (65 g), 68 Meters Thickness: 0.16 inches (4 mm), 4 balls
●Recommended size 6/0 to 8/0 crochet hooks, 5 to 7mm knitting needles
●Acrylic in a cotton and nylon blend tube seal. Suitable for making soft and chewy products

[gray (light gray)]




[light purple]

[Melange Pink]

[Melange Khaki]


[Baby Mint]

[pale pink]

[light beige]

[deep yellow]

[light grey beige]


Acrylic in a cotton and nylon blend tube seal. Suitable for making soft and chewy products.