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●#4 in Mens Business Shoes

[red (wine)]




スニーカーのような履き心地を追求する「テクシーリュクス」のビジネスシューズから、お客様の声を「カタチ」にしたスタイリッシュな新シリーズが登場。 1幅広3E相当設計 2クッション性に優れ、軽量感のあるE.V.A.インジェクションソール 3前足部とかかと部にラバーを採用し、細かい溝を多数配置した意匠にて屈曲性とグリップ性と耐久性に配慮 4靴内環境を快適にするために、インナーソールつま先部裏に【消臭繊維MOFF】、ライニング材及び中敷表面材に【抗菌繊維(JIS L1902準拠)】を採用 5ふんわりした足当たりのやわらかい中敷を採用 6土踏まず部にフィットするアーチサポートパッド 7足首をやさしく包み込む履き口パッド 8ベロ裏部にクッションパッドを採用し、足の甲にやさしくフィット 9アンティーク加工を施したやわらかな天然皮革(牛革)を採用 10脱ぎ履きしやすいように履き口内側にゴア搭載。 ビジネスマンの足元を優しくサポートする1足です。

From the Manufacturer

Texcy Luxe sneakers.Texcy Luxe sneakers.
Texcy LuxeTexcy Luxe

Texcy Luxe "Wear Like Sneakers" Genuine Leather Business

1. Wide 3E equivalent

2. E.V.A. injection sole with excellent cushioning and flexibility for a lightweight feel.

3. Rubber on the tread and heel, and the design has been arranged with a number of fine grooves for adaptability and durability.

4. Equipped with a sponge pad on the opening that gently wraps around the ankles.

5. Adopts a tongue cushion on the back of the foot.

6. Gore at the opening (inside) for a comfortable fit.

Deodorizing function Deodorizing function 

Footbed, Soft, Lightweight and ComfortableFootbed, Soft, Lightweight and Comfortable
Latex Sponge 5mm Thick Insole

The foot pads provide support to the body pressure of the foot while walking, and the fluffy inner sole uses antibacterial material (JIS L1902 compliant).Comfortable and easy to walk.

The "three-dimensional innersole" is 0.2 inch (5 mm) thick and conforms to your feet, so it is soft and comfortable to wear like sneakers.

The "MOFF" is equipped with a firm and clean deodorizing part of the toe.

MOFF is a deodorizing fiber product that works with various types of odors.

Comfortable to wear Comfortable to wear 

Easy to wear and bend.Easy to wear and bend.

Non-slip, lightweightNon-slip, lightweight

light and softlight and soft

Texcy Luxe Texcy Luxe Wide Tech Luxe Texcy Luxe Waterproof Texy Luxe Texcy Luxe, Made in Japan
TU-7774 TU-7758 TU-7796 TU-7020 TU-7787 TU-808
Product Type (Straight Tip) #1 Business Shoes Ranking on Amazon Feels like sneakers. Wear like sneakers, wide Flexible round to wear like sneakers. Feels like sneakers, waterproof design (1.6 inches (4 cm) / 4 hours). Made in Japan.
MOFF deodorizing fiber. 100%
Width: 3E equivalent 2E equivalent. Wide 4E equivalent 3E equivalent. 3E equivalent 2E equivalent.
Rubber ○ (Heel) ○ (Forefoot / Heel) ○ (Heel) ○ (Forefoot / Heel) Full body Full body