Feature(may vary by option.)

●【Includes】30 message stickers, 16 decorative stickers (colored paper not included). )
●Sticker Material: Paper, 30 message stickers can be separated
●Size: Ball shape: Φ 1.6 inches (40 mm), Uniform type: 1.5 x 1.6 inches (38 x 40 mm)





A set of colored paper stickers to give as a gift to those who retire club activities (colored paper is not included). )
Just leave a message and stick it on colored paper.

The message sticker can be separated.
Since it can be handled and retrieved, it can be used to save time than recovery.
It is not able to read the written message.

Send memories from club activities on colored paper with message stickers. Give a memorable message to anything you have never had to say for a graduation occasion. If the size of regular colored paper (9.4 x 10.6 inches (24 x 27 cm), it can be made 2 sheets (if 15 people are used).