Feature(may vary by option.)

●One hand sized end stomach. Can be used for Kanaya Paper
●Stone color is brown compared to hemp docks. It has good water retention and does not dry out
●As natural stones are used, there may be slight differences in size and pattern between each product
●Size: 6 inches (100 mm) x 0.8 inches (20 mm) x 5.9 inches (150 mm)

[5 inches long]

[7 inches long]

[Length 8 inches]

[6 inches long]


Somitto Stake Ink Ink, Nagata 6, HN16, Size: Long 6 inches (100 x 20 x 150 mm) (Features) This is a one-hand sized end stem. Can be used for kanaya paper stock. Stone color is brown compared to hemp docks. It has good water retention and does not dry out. As natural stones are used, there may be slight differences in size and pattern between each product.