Feature(may vary by option.)

●Country of Origin: Germany
●Specifications: External Hex Traction Profile, Slotted Screw, Phillips Screw (PH), Posi-Drive Screw (PZ), Socket Screw, TORX Screw with Tampered Stunts
●Extension Cord: 55mm and 101.5mm
●Smart Case: 2.0 x 3.9 x 7.1 inches (52 x 98 x 18
●Socket for 6 wrenches: 850, 850 to 5, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14mm

[36 pieces (ratchet handle 863P)]

[33pcs(Ratchet handle 863P)]

[38pcs Porsche models (Ratchet handle 863P)]

[38 pcs (ratchet handle 863P)]


Socket Set
Hazet Edition from the Porsche Motorsport/Racing Tool line
Packaged in a smart case.