Feature(may vary by option.)

●Ventilation fan moisture switch
●Exposed shape/corded type
●For single phase 100V power supply
●Rated Current: 3.5A
●Cannot be used with ventilation fans with drawstring switches
●Please choose the model with an electric or wind pressure type shutter mechanism that interlock with the ventilation fan
●If the ventilation fan has more than a control capacity, an auxiliary relay is required
●Do not install it in the bathroom







Product Description

The sensor detects moisture that causes condensation and mold to the formation of the ventilation fan automatically. Make your room more fresh. Wall-mounted, exposed shape for choice where to mount - When humidity is higher than the set value, the ventilation fan is driven and automatically stops when it is low. Shut-off - automatic - continuous operation with 2 modes. The power cord can be used up or down. The sensor part uses approximately 1.5 W of power when continuously connected in a continuous surveillance state.

Legal Disclaimer

Regarding cancellation and returns due to the customers preference, we will be ordered from the manufacturer. We cannot accept returns or exchanges due to the customers preferences after your order. Not applicable for cooling off. We cannot compensate for damage due to product delays. Pictures are for reference, and we will arrange it as the model number. Thank you for your understanding